"The village hall! That abiding icon of associativeness, conviviality and the volunteering ethic; of community; a physical, if usually humble, focus of much of the traditional, unofficial life of a village and its hinterland" (Ray, 2003). Village halls typify the community buildings that form the focus of this project. The term is used to encompass a group of organisations that are managed by a voluntary management committee, run for public benefit and are host to a range of activities for a range of users (Marriott, 1991). They provide a hub for local community life, providing at minimum, a building where local people can come together often in formalised groupings as clubs and societies. These minimalistic buildings are the central pillars to rural and village life within Britain, encompassing the word community to its full. This project aims to show the brilliance of which is rural Cornwall; its quirky, comforting and hugely friendly traits to its full.